Now, you couldn't stand tall unless you could buzz through trees and limbs with the best of them.
McCulloch was the leading chain saw manufacturer at the time. Black & Decker, the home power-tool giant, quickly purchased McCulloch at a hefty price to be able to benefit from the seemingly limitless potential of chain saws.
Soon, Black & Decker was optimistically describing itself as a company about to be transformed by its chain saw business. Capacity could not be expanded fast enough.
Within a few years, though, everyone who thought they wanted or needed a chain saw had one.
Many people who took to the backyard woods found that cutting down trees and making smaller pieces out of the logs with a small chain saw was hard, dangerous work repaying little for the time and effort. The person using the chain saw also had to cope with a tremendous racket, obnoxious fumes from a gas engine, and an irritating need to keep sharpening the small chain-saw blade.
Many of these nouveau woodspeople didn't know that wood has to be dried and aged before it will burn properly.
So they often experienced smoky, smoldering fires that left the whole house smelling terrible and provided little heat.
Wood is a poor way to heat most houses. The fireplace sucks the heat from the house up through the chimney, leaving the rest of the house colder.
A chainsaw is a perfect tool when you need it most to remove a dead tree from your backyard or to do some carvings. In any case it is a handy tool which you can use very effectively.
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