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Mastering the Art of Public Speaking Skills

"Mahatma Gandhi, Adolf Hitler, Martin Luther King Junior, and Nelson Mandela. What do all these great men have in common? They were successful in driving the masses toward a certain cause that they felt strongly about. But how did they do it?

Also called oration, public speaking is a skill where an individual speaks to an audience. Public speaking skills might seem simple but public speaking as a skill is extremely nuanced and an effective way of getting a message across to a wide audience.

Traditionally, public speaking was done live, on a stage with a mic in front of a large audience. But now, times have changed, technology is a big part of our lives and hence, public speaking can also be done via pre-recorded or live videos. Public speaking skills should be used in a structured manner to persuade the masses, inform, entertain or influence them.

Public speaking is one of the most dreaded yet sought-after skills and this is extremely empowering if done effectively. It builds confidence, helps to make powerful connections and enhances one’s leadership skills among many other benefits. This article will help you achieve just that!.."