Tempeh is a very popular food for just aboutProVen+ Review any vegetarian diet since it contains a high quantity of protein. Tempeh helps with your diet as well as improves your general health as it does help to lower your cholesterol.
The next food that's high in protein and perfect for a vegetarian diet is soy beans. While males may must go easy on the soy related products since they can have an impact on testosterone levels, including a couple of servings weekly can be a part of a good diet and help increase your overall protein intake. Soy beans can be consumed several different ways so get a bit creative inside the kitchen to see what you prefer best.
Last but not least the final source of protein you need to consider adding into your diet is nuts. Making sure that your body is getting enough healthy fats is important, nuts will give you these. Not only are they high in healthy fats, in addition they contain fiber and a high quantity of protein, while being fairly low in carbohydrates.