Are you looking for a morgellons cure or want to get End of Gout Review rid of your morgellons disease Make sure to click on the links.What are the causes of heartburn? Heartburn happens when gastric acids come up from the stomach into the esophagus. The acids are supposed to remain in the stomach. The lower esophageal sphincter is the valve that is there to do the job. But, sometimes this valve gets damaged or weakened. This allows the gastric acids to back up into the food pipe.
When you are looking at the causes of heartburn, you are really looking at why this valve is not working properly. Sometimes the best way to determine what is actually causing your own heartburn is to keep a diary. Note down when it happened and what you had just done. An example would be eating lunch and listing the foods that you ate. Control is easier when you know the causes of heartburn.
Some of the leading causes of heartburn are those that cause an increased pressure in the stomach. This pressure pushes upward on the esophageal valve, forcing it to open. One of the most common causes of severe heartburn is eating large portions of gas-producing and fatty foods that digest slowly. Going to sleep with a full stomach can also be a factor. When people wear tight clothes around the torso such as belts or slimming undergarments, heartburn can occur. Pregnancy can also be one of the causes of heartburn due to the pressure on internal organs from the increased uterine size. Even eating a very large meal can put too much pressure in the stomach. It is one of the common causes of heartburn.