Coronavirus outbreak has changed the entire scene of the market. With social distancing and lock down situations, the supply and demand both have been affected greatly. And, this has led to the drastic change in the marketing of products and services as well. For marketers and brands, it has become challenging to navigate the COVID-19 crisis. Moreover, coronavirus has greatly impacted the economies of the country globally.
Here are 4 expert tips on Digital Marketing Amsterdam during the COVID-19 crisis:
1. Re-assess your Channel Mix:
During the normal year course, traffic channel mix will remain largely consistent, with not major changes in strategy or budget. However, COVID-19 has made a drastic shift in the way traffic is hitting websites.
You should start analyzing the channel report and then sub-divide into source/medium to start finding from where the traffic is coming.
Delve further understand to why. If search volume for your services or product is higher than usual than you can consider increasing the paid ad budget or work on improve on organic keyword rankings.
2. Update website messaging:
It is important to show your website visitors, current customers or prospects that you understand the current market situation and the challenges it is bringing to the businesses.
Similarly, you need to show your clients that your business is prepared and can provide the needed services or products even during the pandemic. Furthermore, if your product or services are the ones that are more important in the current times, than the prospect audience should know about them.
3. Monitor the Intent of your Audience:
Search intent is a key consideration when it comes B2B digital marketing . Buyers will be in the consideration phase for longer period than compared to B2C consumer. In case of B2B businesses, customers explore lots of businesses even before putting an inquiry.
In addition to this, with the rising uncertainty due to COVID-19 it is likely that businesses will take more time before making an inquiry, especially when it comes to making long-term contracts. It thus becomes imperative to understand user intent and determine what they expect to see when they are searching for a business like you.
4. Focus on Website Conversions:
Conversions should be the priority of every day of every month of every year. In the environment where user intent is difficult to judge and search interest for many services is down it becomes much more difficult for you to work on the strategies and convert the traffic into leads.
Review your Google Analytics data to see how users are interacting with your site. Look at whether your conversion rates are shifting, top landing pages are changing or the lead sources are different. You can couple this heatmap analysis from tools like HotJar to find out how users are interacting with your site.
If you are seeking professional assistance for digital marketing or web design Vancouver, then consider the name of AdSpace Group.
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