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How to lift weights safely

If you want to know how to lift weights safely, you need to first understand what can go wrong and how to prevent them. Research indicates that weight-lifting sports have a low level of injury relative to team sports when compared to individual sports. It is advisable to warm up before a performance and not to do more than three sets of eight repetitions. Also, moving slowly with good form prevents putting too much strain on the muscles and ligaments. However, if you were to do too much by over-extending yourself, it may take a long time to recover.

If you are a beginner, you should start off using machines and free weights to tone up your muscles and build up the strength in your arms and legs before you move on to stronger and heavier weight-bearing exercises. You should always use proper form and ensure that your muscles are working hard for the same amount of time. This will help to avoid muscle imbalances. Make sure you read and follow the instructions given for each exercise so that you do not over-train your body.

Another way of avoiding an injury during weight training is by making sure you are using the equipment properly. For example, if you are using a barbell for shoulder or arm training, you should place the barbell on your shoulders and leave the right hand hanging down. This ensures that the weight is evenly distributed across the body and does not strain any of the muscles. Always finish all your reps with a controlled finish and make sure that you don't bend over too far or else you could injure your back.

Good practice means that you always lift in a proper posture. When exercising, ensure that your back is straight and you are using your abdominal muscles as much as possible to complete the exercise. It is advisable to have a spotter present when lifting so that you can focus fully on your exercise. When training yourself to lift weights, never lift from a standing position. Instead, start off by lying on your back with your elbows and hands placed below your knees. This is a good practice when you are a beginner.

If you are looking forward to a bigger chest or biceps, then you need to alternate between doing bench press and flat bench presses so that your muscle groups are given equal opportunity to grow. Always complete three sets of ten reps with each exercise. Once you complete a full workout, then you should switch to another muscle group for the next set of ten reps.

Finally, you should never over-exercise a muscle group. Over training can lead to muscle ache and can even lead to injury. It is advisable to alternate your weight training session with alternating periods of high intensity and low intensity exercises. Never fail to complete a workout as indicated in the schedule. Remember, maintaining a balanced fitness routine with the right amount of strength training can help you achieve your goals successfully.

Barbell security is a big factor in making sure you are lifting properly and safely. One of the things you should do when getting into the habit of working out is using weight lifting gloves or weightlifting straps for keeping your grip strong and secure on whatever it is you are lifting, whether it's a kettlebell, dumbbell, or barbell.