You actually don't need surgery if you Secret Seduction Spray Review want to enlarge your penis. And there are many reasons why you need to avoid this method. For one thing, surgical procedures such as inserting balloons to the penile chambers and transferring fat cells into the penis are quite risky. There is a strong chance that your ligaments and sensitive nerves will be damaged in any of these procedures. Instead of a larger manhood, you might end up with a damaged one.
Another reason why surgery is no recommended is the hefty price involved. Some men spent thousands of dollars for a surgery which ended up unsuccessful in the end.
Prescriptions pills can be purchased easily online or at your local shop. But be careful with this method because some pills are found to have traces of harmful chemicals. The FDA had already warned the public against using this dangerous technique. Moreover, pills are not really effective in making the penis longer or thicker permanently. Some of them can only make your penis erect for several hours.