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How Does Spirituality Fit Into Daily Life?

BeaLarrieu's picture
Submitted by BeaLarrieu on Thu, 09/24/2020 - 00:35

Change is a mythological journey, where NLP Hero Reviewwe hear the call; go with uncertainty into unknown dangers, until we finally find our way home. You can become what your spirit intended you to be---whole, perfect and free. To free yourself, you must step into the light, be brave and take action. Although you may feel safe in the dark because it is what is familiar to you, the safety is within the light. Where there is light, there is growth. Once you have stepped on the path of transformation, you are well on your way to a new experience. You can no longer deny the growth that is taking place within you. If you do, you will extinguish the growth.

You must honor the growth. It is like a growing tree, if you cut the trunk, it will die. If you deny your own growth, you will kill the light within you; the golden light of love, peace, and knowingness. You must stay on the path of illumination.

You are where you are on the spiritual path because of many things you have experienced and learned. You have knowledge. But that is not enough. You must apply that knowledge by taking action and making smart decisions. You cannot stand still. You must keep walking on the path, progressing forward. The soul is a manifestation of God's power. Your soul (like all souls) is infinite, with no beginning and no end. Each soul is an important part of the universal plan for humanity's growth and evolution.