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How to Contact Your Spirit Guides - Anyone Can Do It

Have you ever waited so long on Jesus to Sacred Sound Healing System Review answer your prayers that you thought your blessings would never come? Take heart, and know that your blessings are in route. I understand that waiting on Jesus to answer your prayers is one of hardest things to do, however it's necessary for us to wait on the Lord.

What do you do when you feel like Jesus is not listening to you? What do you say to him when it feels as though you really can't get a prayer through to him? How do you handle the disappointment year after year, day in and day out? It's not easy to patiently wait on Jesus, because the answer to your prayer may take years, just as it did with the woman with the issue. This woman stayed in her condition for twelve long years (Matthew 9:20-22 KJV). I can see her desperation and determination. She was desperate to find a solution to her problem, and she was determined to get to Jesus to help her with her problem.

This is the kind of determination that we must have when we are waiting on God to do whatever we've been asking him to do for us. We have to remember, like this woman with her own issue did, that Jesus is the only one that has the power to help us. So, if you're thinking that God is taking "his good time" to help you, or that since he hasn't answered my prayer by now, he probably never will, and I should just give up asking Jesus to help me, then I ask that you keep these three tips in mind