You can make a huge amount of money, working from home by taking advantage of social networking, to advertise your affiliate products and opportunities. Fortly, is what is known as bum marketing. In this method of advertising, you use the method of reviews of products, affiliate program, your online business websites, etc, you submit them to free article submission sites. I have discussed about using articles, to promote your affiliate products and opportunities earlier on. you will have to include your unique affiliate links into the reviews to make money from them.
It shoul be noted that any site you are reviewing, you should have registered for them, in that way you can drive visitors to your affiliate site through your reviews. It should also be noted that most free article submission sites don't accept including your url links into the content of your writings or reviews, however, you can include them in the space provided for the authors biography, that is your own space to advertise yourselve, your sites, and affiliate links. This will provide a baclink to which ever site is of interest to you. You have to write original contents and reviews, for your article to be accepted.
The fifth method is what is known as email marketing. It is also an effective method of selling your affiliate products for companies to earn commissions, as well as promote your business opportunities to make down-lines, inorder to duplicate your commission cheques. You will need an email list to mail to. It could be those of your friends, an email newsletter on you website in which people subscribe to for information about a certain products, services, or business opportunities.