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High Blood Pressure

Submitted by gracebakya on Sun, 04/24/2016 - 21:33


Wrap Him Around Your Finger Review It's a fact that High Blood pressure is the most common health problem to affect adults in the USA period. No one's blood pressure is ever truly stable, in fact most folks have blood pressure that's higher, or in some cases lower, than normal, but it's when it sustains these abnormal levels that it become a serious health risk. So what exactly is blood pressure? Well, simply put, regular blood pressure is the force that is exerted on the blood vessels and heart by the flowing motion of the blood. To add a bit more detail, it has two basic components - systolic pressure, (which is the maximum pressure in the arteries when the heart is actively pumping blood) and diastolic pressure, (which is the minimum pressure when the heart is resting between beats).

A normal blood pressure reading of an adult is considered to be 120 over 80 (you may often hear doctors and nurses taking such numbers when taking your pressure). Obviously, these numbers mean something and in the case of a normal reading of 120 over 80, they refer to millimeters of mercury. Anything above this reading is considered to be a clinical case of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is deemed to be risky due to a variety of reasons. The most serious are that a person with high blood pressure has an increased risk of suffering from heart diseases, strokes and even heart failure. Other problems can be that the sufferer is more prone to end up with renal diseases and kidney failure.