This is why males are the most common victim Ultra Fx10 Review to this condition. Researchers have already pointed a particular androgen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to be the main androgen cause of this type of hair loss. It is observed that due to some genetic make-up, hair follicles become too sensitive to high amounts of DHT.
When this happens, an increase in the DHT will cause hair follicles to shrink out and lose its function, ultimately leading to hair loss. Usually, men with androgenetic alopecia have lower levels of testosterone compared to other males. Instead, affected males have a high level of free androgens such as DTH in their blood. Heredity can also play a role in the development of this condition.
If a man has a father or brother who is currently suffering from alopecia, there is a possibility that he will soon follow that trend. Another fact that strengthens the theory about genetics and hormones is that humans are not the only one affected by alopecia. Chimpanzees and orangutans, especially males are also affected by this condition.