Acids are also everywhere. If you have drank a can of pop or eaten Jane’s Recovery Plan Review a piece of fruit you have consumed natural acids. Acids are everywhere but certain ones have been shown to make it to the gallbladder to help dissolve cholesterol based gallstones. Because the liver plays no role in acid base regulation, it is possible to eat the right foods to flush your gallstones naturally.How to Flush Gallbladder Stones Like I stated earlier, you do want to continue to drink plenty of water. Water has been shown to help with the flushing process. Men should drink about 120 ounces of water daily and women should aim to drink 90 ounces daily.
You should also be eating fiber. Specifically, eating vegetables is a great way to keep fiber in your body and it contains little sugar. Vegetables with chlorophyll have been shown to be very effective at flushing. You may wish to try wheat grass, fresh parsley, spinach or asparagus. Choosing the right acids to dissolve the gallstones is also important. You should start with supplementing vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid). Vitamin C will boost your immunity plus help in the dissolution process. Vitamin C has also shown to convert cholesterol to bile which can be helpful in the fight of gallstones.
Halotherapy or salt therapy uses dry aerosol of salt micro particles and minerals to treat respiratory and dermatological ailments and replicates conditions of treatment that has been practiced in European salt mines since early 19th century. It is a physical, non invasive, drug free and safe therapy.It can be used as a complementary treatment to prescribed medications or as a sole treatment. When Halotherapy is used as a complementary treatment, it can increase the effectiveness of prescribed medications, and decrease their amount.