Research has linked obesity to diabetes Altai Balance and many people are doing whatever it takes to lose weight and cut down on their fats. This is because for every extra fat that one ingests, the chances of diabetes grow exponentially. A diet rich in saturated animal fat makes it easier for one to develop diabetes. The greater the degree of fat in the body, the greater the body's resistance to insulin.
The answer therefore is to lower one's intake of saturated fats and instead set their sights on polyunstaturated fats such as those from fish. These come with a compound known as Omega3 which lowers cholesterol and boosts the body's ability to synthesize insulin.A definite link has been established between diabetes and excess body weight. A recent research conducted by the University of Louisiana revealed that excess body weight boosted the chances of having insulin issues while a lower weight lessened the chances.
Based on research and the above information, foods and meats that contain saturated fats are major culprits and should be reduced and replaced with those with polyunsaturated fats such as fish and other sea food. The higher the degree of saturated fats and cholesterol in the body the higher the chances of developing diabetes. This is because they have been known to boost the toxicity of the diabetic state and drastically hamper the body's ability to regulate blood sugar.