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effect of people sharing it on social media marketing

Submitted by xiaoliu on Mon, 02/01/2016 - 21:40

Once we shot that, I knew we had something special, ” Moore says. “We got to the actual warehouse and saw the area, I knew we might really travel. I was filming it with a segway as well, so I was able to maintain with them and move through the formations. ”

After a few times of editing and Segway Hoverboard build-up, Moore released the online video on his YouTube channel and shortly afterwards, it picked up vapor with write-ups from publications (including this), the Bieber sign-off, and eventually performance gives.

“I thought the dance industry would embrace the idea, ” he says. “But I think Bieber’s co-sign started out a waterfall effect of people sharing it on social media marketing. All the guys as well as me are such massive fans of Bieber and his music that any of us were like, ‘WHAT! ’ The dance sector idolizes him. “I want to definitely prove dancing on segways is usually a reputable form of leisure whether people have wrapped their minds around this or not, ” he says. fifabli20