Only way to play with D right now is guy press with purple zones and even that is eh.Sad item is EA has the rights to Madden 21 coins simulation soccer games for several years. I guess Im going to have to get used to spending $60 a year for the same game. I never actually saw these problems earlier because I always utilized to play with MUT but once I quit in madden 18 (Started playing again in madden 20) and recognized I hated playing way better teams since I preferred to stop spending money in my group to spend it all again the year after.
I eventually changed to franchise last year and the sport appears virtually untouched besides animations, different menu, and unique players. Back when madden had been in its prime in Madden 07, you would have never believed that over a decade after madden could have taken a massive step back. With MUT pulling in a great deal of cash EA doesnt care to focus on Franchise and actual gameplay.
If I fucking hear anyone say"dip it in rotation" I shall falcon punch their fucking throat.I have not gotten a new Madden since M25 (was tired of paying $60 for the identical game every year) but thought it'd be nice to have since football might or might not have a full year this year. This"narrative" is really lazy and so stupid. A faculty coach swapping QBs on a tournament run just for kicks? Subsequently names the other man the starter for next season even after you just won him a National Championship? Who came with this crap???Franchise mode seems like the better thing to do. More to do and more decisions to make and that I like the choice to go through it as a coach or participant.
Guess I will just stick with buy Mut 21 coins that mode. Why can't they keep stats of your internet ranked games? It sucks that you can't view your stats and see them construct. Or at least create a companion program to monitor stats!! "It's in the game! ," No, the hell they're not! I would like stats and to have the ability to see my play history, not just wins and losses. The ONLY reason why I purchase is to perform online!Why did some of you buy it? Y'all know it's hot ass. You know we've been complaining about this shit for years.