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By including basic rotator cuff exercises in your daily Joint Relief 911 fitness routine, you can help keep your them strong and healthy if you make sure they are a consistent part of any exercise regimen.The following are a few basic rotator cuff exercises. These exercises will help to strengthen the muscles of the rotator cuff and will also help make your rotator cuffs more resistant to tears and other injuries. These rotator cuff strengthening exercises are easy to do and they take little time to complete.

Lie on your side on a flat surface, such as a bench or at the edge of your bed. Place a small weight or dumbbell directly in front of your waist. Without lifting your elbow away from your side, reach for the weight and slowly raise it to elbow level. Lower the weight and repeat several times. Switch sides and repeat several times with your other arm.

Standing upright, place your feet parallel to each other and two to three inches apart for stability. Holding a small weight or dumbbell in each hand, slowly swing your arms back and forth, one after the other, in an alternating pattern. Be sure to swing your arms so that each hand reaches a couple of inches in front of your waist and then a couple inches behind your buttocks.