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Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly? So Was I, Until I Found the Secret That is Changing the Diet World

Never set goals that are unreasonable. Don't say "I'm going to lose 60 pounds this year". Say instead, "I will lose 25 pounds this year" and if you lose more, then that is really great, but you have not set yourself up for failure by setting an unattainable goal. Understanding your body type is another factor. If you are tall and "big boned", you are not ever going to be fashion model skinny. Don't starve yourself to fit into a body image that is not you. Be realistic and be reasonable and reward yourself when you reach certain goals, you will be much happier if you accept yourself for who you are.

Then it is probably not a sensible choice. Use your instincts when you consider a plan. It should be one that is easy to follow, has a variety of foods to choose from and has you eating regular meals at reasonable intervals. It is important to eat regularly, at least every 3 hours, in order to keep your metabolism going. If you skip meals or don't eat often enough, your metabolism can slow down too much. If this happens, no diet plan on the planet will help you, your body is preserving its fat stores because it is in starvation mode.

Considering a diet plan that only covers a few food choices is not a good idea. If you only have limited choices, you will soon become bored. Once boredom sets in, failure will follow. If you do not eat a wide variety of foods each and every day, you are not meeting your basic nutritional needs. Even if you were to take supplements, it still would not cover off what you should be eating.