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The challenges of the kundalini awakening Unfortunately,NLP Hero Review these wonderful gifts of kundalini awakening are rarely achieved through one amazing and powerful breakthrough but are the result of many years of working patiently through the challenges that are the inevitable by-product of even the most benign kundalini rising.

These symptoms of kundalini may range from inexplicable physical pain, to extreme emotional disturbances, up to a complete psychotic break-down of one's functioning ego-personality. What makes matters worse, these painful experiences are usually exacerbated by a lot of mental confusion because the person who is going through them often cannot understand what is happening to them.

Traditionally, it is taught that kundalini rising (or whatever people want to call it according to their cultural background) can only be achieved through years of dedicated spiritual practice. However, since the publication of Gopi Krishna's book 'Kundalini' many people have come forward to report so-called spontaneous kundalini awakenings, which were independent of intensive spiritual practice. During these spontaneous kundalini experiences often the negative and confusing kundalini symptoms were much more pronounced than the rewarding aspects.