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Chiropractic care vs pain medications: Which one is the right approach?

After a long day at work, you get a stiff back and find it hard to sleep. So like every normal human being, you open the medicine cabinet and take a painkiller to get a goodnight’s sleep.
A Pain-reliever pill offers immediate relief and makes you ready for another hectic day at work. However, you need to keep in mind that life is full of challenges and every other day you get to experience some sort of body pain. Is it appropriate to take a painkiller daily before bed or you should consider finding a Tallahassee pain chiropractor for a natural pain-management approach?


Let’s discuss what are the pros and cons of pain medications and chiropractic care and which one is the right choice for you.

What are the benefits of taking painkillers?

  • Pain medications are highly effective in reducing pain sensations.
  • These drugs immediately block the pain signals and make you feel better.
  • Painkillers are easily available and can be used to relieve pain immediately.

What would be the possible harm if I take painkillers daily?

  • If you take painkillers daily, these drugs can cause gastrointestinal problems.
  • Long-term consumption of NSAIDs can also cause permanent damage to the kidneys.
  • Beware if you take opioids for pain relief, these can be addictive.
  • Other risks of taking pain medications every day include constipation, nausea and respiratory problems.

What are the advantages if I choose the best rated chiropractor near me?
A massage therapist chiropractor gently uses their hands to manipulate your spine. If you are in pain, book a session for chiropractic adjustments. Spinal adjustments and manipulations are highly beneficial:

  • It is a drug-free approach to pain management, hence it is a safer treatment choice.
  • Along with pain relief, chiropractic sessions are equally beneficial for your joint mobility and muscle tension.
  • Routine chiropractic care is even helpful in improving your posture which reduces the risk of future pain and injuries.
  • It is a natural healing process suitable for people of all age groups.

What are the potential risks or side effects of chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care is a drug-free, natural, safe and side effect free approach to pain management. Generally, there are no potential risks associated with their treatment choice. However, mild soreness or discomfort at the treatment site can be experienced for a while.

The known complication of chiropractic care is nerve damage, which is very rare. Make sure to find a highly experienced Tallahassee pain chiropractor to get top-notch treatment. Chiropractic care should only be given by a highly trained and experienced chiropractor. Lack of experience may increase the chances of complications, so make an informed decision and choose the best chiropractor. 


Final verdict
If you need immediate pain relief, you may occasionally take medicine. However, for chronic pain, regular consumption of painkiller drugs can be fatal. The correct approach is the holistic care provided by a chiropractor. They don’t just work on the root cause but also help in reducing future injuries. 

When you search for the best chiropractor near me, you get recommendations from Dr. Eric at Pragle Chiropractic Clinic. He is a highly experienced chiropractor in Tallahassee offering best-in-class treatment for neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, whiplash injuries and headaches.