Can someone please Fifa Coins explain why the difficulty in Fut and Seasons is set to amateura if lucky are and beginner. This Level makes it almost impossible to defend and back check at the same time and I personally have encountered more problems in this FUT than previous game years like 14, 13 and 12.List of the 5 problems1. Players do not advance up the field after the kickoff2. After the kickoff the Defense a already on the 18 yard line are starts backing upland leaves a huge gap in the prime area of the field for any decent scorer.
A none controlled player Fifa 17 Coins will just stand there and watch the fifa player with the ball run pass them.4. Players do not run towards the ball if they are not currently being controlled5. Manual Switching, i have my controls on manual switching instead of auto, but I have noticed that the game will still switch you automatically to whoever it pleases. Example controlling RB and chasing the player with the ball, after pressing B and about to finish the tackle, I get switched to my CAM a who is not even close to the on-going play are, Using LB to switch players and get back into the play, since the low difficulty the player just strolls in and scores before i get control of any player near the ball.We all know that behind FUT is a behemoth multi-billion dollar company known as EA, voted time after time as the worst company in America.
EA has enjoyed a rather succesful financial streak from FUT due to the pay-to-play feature genereated from the sale of FIFA Points. Now, EA has stated that purchase of the virtual packs generates at random an assortment of players from the database along with other items.Let me list the reasons why the pulls arenmy;t as random as you would think:1. EA have complete access to your trading history, pack-pull history and in-game match history a evidence= in FIFA 13 there was a glitch for MC TOTS which caused some of us to receive NIF versions of the TOTS players . Without making any claims, EA later a after one week are assigned 3 players to my account which I discarded unknowningly.