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Bless the Lord At All Times

Some obstacles can be maneuvered around. You have to learn to be flexible, so that you can approach your goal from different directions and avoid unmovable roadblocks. Sometimes impossible looking problems can be overcome if you look at them from different perspectives. You can often plow through difficulties. Most things are not as bad as we imagine them to be. They may be frightening, but do not let them distract you from your goal. Fear is one of our greatest enemies. You must resist having a negative attitude, since negative thoughts can affect your ability to perform.

Big problems are solved by doing little things in a logical order. Although there may be several steps, the simpler they are the more likely you will be successful. The more complicated the steps the less likely to succeed. The difference between defeat and triumph is often a simple mistake in judgement or procedure. Success may be eluding you because the things you are doing don't quite add up to expectations. You have to keep making adjustments until you find the right combinations. You are competing against yourself. When you outdo your previous best, you are on the right tract to overcoming your obstacles.

If you consistently fail in your projects, you may be in the wrong field. We all have weaknesses and strengths. Everyone has things that come naturally. People are highly successful because they have found their niche. Some try several things before they discover where they belong. Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of divine intervention? Can you think of a series of events in your life where you had "near misses?" Ever why mysterious things happen? Here are eight life changing events that could have turned out differently for me: As a young boy of 9 or 10, we had an above-ground swimming pool with a slide in our backyard. One day, a friend challenged me to slide down on my stomach with my hands clasped behind my back. Not wanting to be "chicken," I said, "WATCH ME!" For some reason, the slide was more slippery than usual that day and I ended up slamming my head at the bottom of the pool, momentarily disorienting me.