How to Make the Boss’ Avatar Disappear
Under normal circumstances, the avatar of Admiral Hae Mujin will move in a straight line 5 time. But here is a tip to make the avatar disappear after moving only once.
When the Blade Master of Fung Fu Master gets the aggro, buy blade and soul items quickly use SS while waiting for upcoming avatar. Step away quickly when the avatar comes. Rapidly approach the avatar as he comes to the sidelines and use Q+E. In doing so, you can me the avatar disappear after he moves only once. This tip allows the combat scene less messy. In addition, your teammates won’t distracted by the avatar.
More powerful weapon is rewarded as a drop. buy blade and soul items There are also Soul Shields and the latest version of primary reward - Hae Mujin’s Machismo.
First off it must be noted that the bosses here have enrage timers so it is recommended at the very least you have a true profane weapon with a full Poharan soul shield set and a 25 AP diamond.