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The Best Ways to Protect Your Knees While Squatting

How to protect your knees when doing squats is a common question. People wonder what they should do to prevent themselves from pain and damage. People also get injured and don't know how to treat it because they just treat the symptoms without addressing the underlying problem. This article will cover some of the most common ways you can injure your knees and teach you how to protect your knees.

Many people have serious injuries to their knees because they didn't pay attention and didn't take care of the problem. The first thing you need to do is stop doing the squat for at least 12 weeks and do only low intensity exercises. Low intensity is the key to knee health so that you avoid tendon problems and injury. When you are squatting you use a lot of your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, all of which are important knee muscles. If you neglect these muscles they will get used to the heavy demand put on them and eventually cause injury.

Another common way that people injure their knees is by squatting wrong. Some people think that the knee cap is parallel to the ground, which is not true. This puts a lot of extra stress on the ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Most people really aren't that fit but still have problems with their knees.

Protecting yourself from injury starts with proper technique, obviously, but you can also wear the right gear when working out to protect your knees from injury. One such piece of squatting gear are knee wraps. They work by buttressing your knees against lateral torque, creating a column of strength and stability around your knees that emphasize the large muscles in your leg instead of the vulnerable tendons and ligaments that run through the knee joint. Knee wraps are mostly the same, but choosing the best knee wraps for squats for your particular situation comes down to assessing them by budget, material, thickness, and brand.

Some people also have knee pain when they are doing bench presses or other upper body movements. Your feet can either cause pain or make it worse if you are not wearing the proper shoes. Make sure that you wear something that is comfortable. You don't want to be in pain while you are working out. If your shoes give you blisters, then change them right away.

The last topic that will help you learn how to protect your knees when doing squats is balance. When you are squatting, you really need to use both your arms and legs to balance yourself. If you use one arm to support the weight of your body, then you will put undue stress on your knees. The stronger arm, therefore, needs to support the body for balance.

Learning how to protect your knees when doing squats is very simple. If you follow these tips, you will be able to do this without hurting yourself. These tips will help you avoid injuries and pain in your knees, ankles, and hips. Preventative care is going to go a long way, and this will keep you healthy for many years to come.

Article source: Best Knee Wraps for Squats