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Benefits of chakrasana

Chakrasana Yoga is an important yoga practice performed on the back. It is also known as Urdhv Dhanurasana. Chakrasana is a Sanskrit word made up of two words, in which the first word “Udhva” means “lifted up” and the second word “Dhanur” means “bow”. In this asana, your position is seen as a raised bow.

Chakrasana is a backbend yoga. It is also known as Wheel Pose in English. In this posture, there is an upward tilt like a wheel. In this posture, there is a lot of flexibility in the reed bone. Back bridge acrobats or gymnastics are a key part of the hair routine. Let us know in detail the method of performing this mudra. let,s know What is Yoga. Read Benefits of chakrasana

It has been mentioned in Yog Shastra to keep the body healthy, and to keep the Kundalini active and upward. Today the posture we are going to talk about. It is specially used to awaken the Kundalini Shakti that is sleeping inside our body. While practicing this asana, our body composition looks like a circle, hence this posture is known as Wheel Pose.

By doing this asana, the bone of the reed and body is strong and flexible, as well as helpful in other activities. In fact, it brings the benefits of easy Dhanurasana, Ultrasana, and Bhujangasana together. By practicing this asana daily, neuroglia cells are formed.