Anvils in the burial armour area now to DarkScape Gold have ‘quick start' as the default left-click operation.The quick-smithing effects of the Varrock armour now apply to track-making and burial armour.When creating a perfect sword, you can request an off-hand equivalent.The required amount for the mithril swords daily challenge has been reduced.
Daily challenges for adamant and rune swords have been added.When using a heated ingot on the water pool, you'll be given the opportunity to change your entire inventory at once, rather than one at a time.Ceremonial sword-making has been made smoother:Tongs can now be stored on the tool belt.A single left-click on the anvil now places the ingot and the plans, and opens the interface.Ingots can be used directly, without heating them first.
The artisan burial overlay has been relocated to the left of the screen, remains opened everywhere in the workshop, and displays your current respect.The attack rate of ceremonial swords has been rebalanced.When withdrawing or depositing ingots, only metals currently held will to RS DarkScape Gold be offered. Note that this doesn't filter by ingot type.