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The Acid Reflux Disease and What Symptoms to Look For

Usually food comes from the mouth andThe End Of Gout Review then passes through the esophagus down to the sphincter and the stomach. If the sphincter is too weak the acid from the stomach will flow back to the esophagus. This is when the acid causes the burning pain on the chest. A lot of people from all stages of life, young and old alike have experienced this condition.

In babies, more than half have had acid reflux especially during the first three months of their lives. This goes away eventually when they get a little older. While in adults, certain factors like pregnancy makes one susceptible to this disease but it is the older adults who are more prone to this. Why? For older adults, this is usually due to the failing of the muscles that block the flow of acid from the stomach. However, with pregnant women it is different, acid reflux takes place because there is an increase in hormone production that causes a decrease of pressure in the abdomen area which also affects the sphincter. This sphincter is a group of muscles that connects the stomach and the esophagus.

There are several ways to investigate if you are suffering from the acid reflux disease. Swallow x-rays using barium or esophageal PH monitoring within 24 hours are useful in diagnosing acid reflux. However, for more severe cases where patients are not responding positively, it may be necessary to perform an EGD or Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. This procedure is non-invasive and only aims to show the upper part of the esophagus up to the lower duodenum. Another method that helps determining if you have the acid reflux disease is through medications that control or suppress acid production.