Last year around Thanksgiving no one thought that by the end of the year and the whole of next year we all will be mostly holed up inside our homes. Yes that’s what Corona or Covid -19 did to us, it has proved that we aren’t all that prepared or equipped to face the unknown yet.
While it may seem as a normal cold yet Covid -19 has proven that it is extremely dangerous and all we can do is keep indoors as much as possible, avoid social gatherings, keep on washing our hands etc. It has also become quiet essential that we keep ourselves as equipped and prepped up just in case.
It is high time that our first aid kits are upgraded with appropriate medical devices which are easy to use and can give us timely update of when to approach immediate medical assistance. We all have thermometers for domestic use however it is advisable to upgrade to a Infrared thermometer to avoid any unnecessary contact with someone who might be infected and usually the first symptom of Corona infection is rise in temperature. Secondly, quite many people with COVID-19, even though they feel good, have low levels of oxygen. Low levels of oxygen may be an early warning sign that medical attention is crucial for that patient.
For several household first aid kits, oximeters have been flying off the shelf, primarily because these tiny devices are the first indicators in detecting hypoxemia or low oxygen levels. If you still feel a pulse oximeter is not for your household usage check these 5 more reasons on why you should invest in one immediately:
1.These are non invasive and hence are not painful.
2.Ease of use, you just need to clip it onto your fingers and switch it on to make it work.
3.This device doesn’t only detect the oxygen levels in blood, it also detects the pulse or the heart rate.
4.The accuracy of results from this device is trusted by Health Workers as well so it can be safely concluded that it gives satisfactory outcome.
5.It’s a compact and small device and hence can be carried around without any hassle.
When buying a Pulse Oximeter, please be mindful of the brand, it is a medical device and should only be brought from manufacturers who have been in the line of business and know their devices well. One such brand is Santamedical who has vast experience in selling medical devices which are FDA approved. You can buy from them by clicking here: