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4 Dental Myths You Know Know

1) "You should only see a dentist if you're experiencing tooth pain."

As the old adage goes, "prevention is better than cure." One thing that is less common knowledge is that it is considerably simpler and less expensive to treat a tooth problem if it is caught and treated early on.

Dental Raleigh NC advises biannual dental checkups and cleanings even if you're feeling fine in that department. Certain dental problems have no obvious symptoms but can nevertheless lead to an infection and require treatment. The cost of treating a disease that has progressed could increase if it were not detected at an earlier stage. Also, the tooth's chances of survival decrease the longer one waits to save it.

Preventative measures are the most cost effective and efficient way to handle any situation.

2) "Flossing can help you get rid of crowded teeth."

Flossing won't make your teeth gap open. Indeed, cavities between teeth can be avoided with regular flossing. When you floss, you get rid of the food particles and bacteria that have settled in the spaces between your teeth and gums. It is normal to suffer some bleeding when first starting to floss, but most people find that after a few weeks of regular flossing, their gums stop bleeding. If you continue to experience bleeding gums after regular flossing, your gum disease may be more advanced; a visit to the dentist is in order to evaluate the root cause of the problem and the best course of therapy.

Plaque and tartar accumulation in hard-to-reach places between and behind your teeth can make flossing a chore. Seeing a hygienist can clear away the buildup, making it simpler to get into a regular programme of flossing. Practice your flossing techniques.

3) "It's just a baby tooth."

Losing your baby teeth might have serious consequences. They provide room for adult teeth, ensuring that they can erupt into the gums in a healthy, symmetrical pattern. Tooth loss in children can occur unnaturally early if cavities are not treated in infant teeth. While a dentist can fabricate a temporary replacement tooth to hold the space until the permanent tooth comes in, the baby tooth is nature's solution.

If you want your child to have the healthiest possible smile, you need to take care of his or her teeth. Children who don't take good care of their baby teeth are more likely to neglect their adult teeth, resulting in more serious and costly dental problems later in life. In sum, it is more than just a baby tooth.

4) "It doesn't matter what time of day I brush."

We advise all of our patients to brush their teeth twice daily, but the time of day you choose to do so might have an effect on your oral hygiene. Saliva production decreases as we sleep at night. Saliva has a purifying impact throughout the day that we don't experience at night because our flow is higher then. Those with dry mouth, whether from lack of saliva or medicine, tend to have more cavities than others because there is less saliva to help wash away food particles. When we don't take the time to wash our teeth before bed, the food particles that cling to them all night long can eventually lead to cavities.