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Submitted by rohitk on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 03:31

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Das Piraten Spiele soll dabei als inhaltliches Bindeglied zwischen Teil eins und zwei dienen. Stattdessen findet sich der Spieler in Gestalt des Mädchens nebst einer abgestellten Tasche und einem durchnässten Seesack auf der Veranda wieder. Eine effektive Vorgehensweise besteht etwa darin, einen Sicherheitsbeamten bewusstlos zu würgen, sich dessen Uniform zu schnappen und dann an Bord des Schiffes vorzudringen.

Blade and Soul EU Character Copy for Closed Beta

Submitted by playerhot on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 00:19

After our Closed Beta Weekend announcements, we tend to received plenty of feedback from European blade and soul gold players relating to their ability to continue enjoying those characters once the EU servers opened. First, we’re happy to announce that the EU servers can currently be open with Closed Beta Weekend 2—earlier than antecedently proclaimed.

Blade and soul gold later killed Bloodshade Harbor Venomous Thrasher

Submitted by ffaluby on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 00:07

This is the first boss of Bloodshade Harbor. You can stand in the middle without aggro'ing it.

When you're ready you can start dps'ing him. His attacks during the first phase are pretty lax and easy to dodge. They include a 360 degrees spin attack and some swipe attacks. He will cycle through these attacks 4 times and then jump onto the ceiling and enter phase 2.

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Submitted by wging on Wed, 03/02/2016 - 23:20

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FIFA Ultimate Team Winter Upgrades Interview with Leicester City FC

Q: Congratulations, what was undoubtedly a great season for you and Leicester City FC. Jamie on the back of these shares was a winter update for EA SPORTS FIFA can forgive tell us what you think of your new statistics?


JV: I think it should most legit fifa coins have been higher at the beginning of the season!



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