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Unmasking 5 Common Myths About Cremation

Submitted by urnsuk on Mon, 07/31/2023 - 04:17

Are you intrigued by the mystique background of the ancient practice of cremation? Have you ever wondered if the myths surrounding this timeless ritual hold any truth? Are cremations truly harmful to the environment, or is there more to the story? Can multiple bodies be cremated together, as folklore suggests? As we venture beyond the ashes, let us unravel the truth and embrace the profound beauty of this profound, time-honoured tradition.

Myth 1: Cremation is Environmentally Harmful

One of the most prevailing myths about cremation is that it is environmentally harmful. Critics argue that cremation releases harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution and climate change. However, modern crematoriums are equipped with advanced filtration systems that effectively minimise emissions.

The cremation process itself is relatively energy-efficient compared to traditional burial methods, as it requires less land and does not involve the use of embalming chemicals that can leach into the soil. In fact, some studies suggest that cremation can be more environmentally friendly than traditional burial in certain situations.

Additionally, there are eco-friendly alternatives, such as “green cremation” or alkaline hydrolysis, which use water and potassium hydroxide to dissolve the body, leaving behind bone ash. These methods have even lower environmental impacts than standard cremation.

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