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sarat chandra ias academy

Sarat Chandra IAS Academy

Suppliers Catalogs & Keywords:

<strong>Supplier&nbsp;types</strong>:Coaching Disha <strong>Supplier&nbsp;</strong><strong>India</strong>: <strong>E-mail</strong> <strong>Telephone number</strong>:(+) <strong>Mobile number</strong>:(+)9494688188 <strong>Website</strong>: <strong>Certifications</strong>: <strong>Supplier&nbsp;description</strong>:The Sarat Chandra IAS Academy was established in the year 2009 and it has been offering efficient and effective UPSC coaching since then. Moreover, the coaching covers in detail all the topics of the prescribed syllabus. Also, the teaching staff at Sarat Chandra Academy is easy to approach and kind to the students. The Institute also thoroughly evaluates the student’s performance at regular intervals. <strong>Buyers, Please&nbsp;let us know,you&nbsp;get the info from ,you can get a&nbsp;Special Discounts.</strong>
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