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Hainan Huojia Shengdong Trading Co., Ltd

Submitted by cookiesum on Fri, 04/05/2024 - 18:01

Suppliers Catalogs & Keywords:

Supplier types:Manufacturer/Trade company/Personal The Company Operates In The Import And Export Of Goods, With The General Items Of Production And Sale Of Chemical Products, Production And Sale Of Pigments, Production Of Coal Products, Sale Of Coal And Products, Coal Washing, Sewage Treatment And Its Recycling, And Production And Supply Of Heat Power. Headquartered In Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, The Company Has Eliminated Backward Industries (Production Capacity) And Transformed And Upgraded From A Traditional Industry With High Energy Consumption And Low Efficiency, Such As One Generation Of Coal Mining, Two Generations Of Coking, Three Generations Of Calcium Carbide Production And Four Generations Of Primary Power Generation, To A Fifth Generation Of Fine Chemical Circular Economy Industry, Which Has Developed A Circular Economy Industry Chain Integrating Power Generation, PVC, Hydrazine Hydrate, Chloroprene Rubber, Polyphenylene Sulphide And Other Fine Electrochemicals.

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Telephone number:(+) +86 18234560641

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