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What is Cyber security check and how is it important?

A cyber security check is important for anyone who uses the internet, runs an online enterprise buys or sells anything or just has an online presence. Many people talk about cyber security audits and cyber security check as if they are the same thing, but in reality, they are quite different. A cyber security audit is primarily about having the necessary procedures, cyber security policies and protocols in place to safeguard your business and data as well as all the necessary mechanisms to control and validate those safeguards.

A cyber security check or assessment is all about checking that your safeguards actually work and to be sure that all your cyber security measures are physically, active. They not only need to be properly working, but they need to be actually doing the job of protecting your site and information from all known cyber threats.

A cyber audit provides a view of what was happening during the audit. The auditor’s comb through all your policies and contracts to find out their exact status and to ensure that you are in fact, meeting all of your obligations as well as your legal and moral requirements. This is often required by law when dealing with other people’s sensitive information and records.

A cyber check is more about checking the measures your company is taking to actively combat cyber crime. It’s about testing your system, checking and making sure that the cyber security systems that you have activated are working now will be adequate for your future needs.

Cyber crime is constantly changing, your ongoing cyber security management needs to grow and adapt with those changes. A cyber security check needs to be carried out on a regular basis. It should also be carried out after a cyber security audit to be sure that all the measures you do have are in working order and also providing your business with an acceptable amount of cyber security cover.

Cyber security checks are used to gain the complete security picture of your business
Just because you have a lot of very complicated controls and systems to stop or control cyber security threats, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are giving you the total protection you need. The internet is rapidly changing and growing with cyber criminals actively looking for new ways to defraud and attack businesses, so you need your cyber security to change and adapt as well to counter these threats.

The most successful cyber criminals get away with cyber crimes without their victims being aware their security has been breached sometimes for days, weeks or even months at which time the victim almost never recovers.

A cyber security audit may recognize the fact that you have the latest firewall in place and only allow certain visitors with the right credentials to enter, but it doesn’t’ tell you if it’s configured in the right way to stop all known threats. A security check will make sure such details are brought to the attention of your security team to be auctioned immediately.

It’s important that a cyber security check is frequently carried out on your whole network so you always know that the measures you have in place to stop cyber crime are working and updated especially after a cyber audit or any update in the applications, programs, hardware or software components you’re using anywhere on your network