India is the only place from where diamonds were traded across the globe since the ancient times. The diamond cutting and polishing is a profession for many Indians and it is now run as family business, diamond traders and the present trend as Gemkonnect Jewellery Importers to make a difference in diamond works and once again bring them in to diamond market with value addition by Indian diamond workers. The Indian diamond works has much popularity than any other nation doing similar work. We do it traditionally and with modern diamond cutting tools. However, the Indian craftsman-ship is un-parallel with any other region of this world. The gemkonnect jewellery importers in India is balancing the demand for diamond as industrial abrasives and jewels by importing natural diamond from Africa, Belgium and American countries.
India has very less reserve of diamonds. The so far research for diamond exploration as limited to the erstwhile diamond mines and there are very fewer possibilities to discover new places where the chances of mining diamonds are possible. To meet this shortage, the diamond traders import rough diamond, cut them in unique shapes and polish them for final product for industrial use and jewellery use. The diamond trading is a profession carried or inherited in families of many Indians. They do it professionally by importing natural diamonds and shape them for the end consumer use. The gemkonnect jewellery importers are doing this business with global diamond markets since the world united together with diamond trading regulation and setting its standard for diamond industries. The gemkonnect jewellery importers in India is number one is organizing diamond traders, give opportunities for diamond traders who are start-ups and provide opportunity to exhibit diamond works with a difference. This type of encouraging craftsman-ship definitely needs importing of diamond to do diamond business for the domestic and industrial customers.