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Esports Insider says: The SEA area is undoubtedly rife with both talent and possible

Submitted by LiXiaoPing on Fri, 05/26/2017 - 23:39

The news had been brought to the public sphere via an article on the Zenway site, with the company proudly spreading on Facebook that they’d acquired their ‘first’ esports group. The language used leaves little doubt as to whether they’ve further aspirations in the space, and the press release on the site confirmed that ‘Zenway hopes to eventually expand in to other games’.
For the time being at least the company offers secured a group with some pedigree within Heroes of the Surprise. DeadlyKittens were the actual Southeast Asian champions from 2015 to 2017 in the OCEAN Heroes of the Surprise Global Championships (HGC).
Lee Jian Ming, Founder of Zenway Productions stated: “With DeadlyKittens’ recent qualifying to represent OCEAN in Dreamhack, all of us felt like this would be a good time to perform our part within supporting and growing the esports picture here.
“We possess close bonds with the Heroes community here in SEA and have viewed this particular team grow from strength to strength. I feel they have the potential to press themselves even further along with proper support. ”
The assumption to come is that Zenway will make further acquisitions to have a presence in other titles. Whilst Heroes of the Storm is a respected title in its own right, it is not on the level of the likes of League, Dota and CS: Will end up in terms of viewership and plentiful high level tournaments and leagues.
Michael “DK. Mirr” Luo, Team Chief of DeadlyKittens noted: “With Zenway Productions’ support, we have reached another milestone for our team. There is plenty of talent in this region to become nurtured and I wish there will be much more assistance for esports in the future in future. We definitely have the abilities to make our tag in the global picture. ”
Esports Insider says: The SEA area is undoubtedly rife with both talent and possible, and acquisitions such as this one should help the actual teams there to grow and push upon. We expect that Zenway will transfer to one of the major titles down the line, but very first up they’ll become hoping that DeadlyKittens impress at DreamHack Summer at which they’ll be representing OCEAN in the HGC Mid-Season Brawl.