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Staying Fit With Chronic Kidney Diseases

Submitted by sagasan on Wed, 05/11/2016 - 02:48

People wrongly think that only women are affected by stress incontinence. This can happen in men also. But, it is true that women are more prone to be affected by this when they cross their middle age. Incontinence happens because the pelvic floor muscles become weak. Due Good Morning Snore Solution Review to this, they do not contract enough when there is an undue pressure on the abdomen. Whenever you laugh or sneeze or indulge in any other activity that exerts more pressure on your abdomen, you release a small quantity of urine. It may cause severe embarrassment and the fear of this again causes more stress. Though aging and certain surgeries weaken the muscles in the case of men, in women, weakening of muscles may happen due to pregnancies, vaginal births, multiple abortions, etc. Other factors that may lead to weakening of pelvic muscles are obesity and heavy smoking. These two factors affect both men and women.

The first step you should take to combat this problem of stress continence is to avoid or reduce having certain foods and beverages. Especially, alcoholic beverages and those containing more of caffeine should be avoided because they have a capacity to irritate your bladder and stimulate it excessively. When the bladder is over-stimulated, you will not be able to control releasing of urine. The foods you should avoid or reduce are oily and spicy foods, certain citrus fruits, etc. You should completely avoid taking aerated drinks like soda and bottled drinks because they not only irritate your bladder but they contain a lot of bad carbohydrates in them and these may harm your health in the long run. If you start reducing or avoiding the above foods and drinks, you can definitely see a remarkable improvement.