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Spring Boot Interview Questions: Prepare for Success

Submitted by gurdeepha on Sun, 09/29/2024 - 01:37

Spring Boot has become one of the most popular frameworks in the Java ecosystem, streamlining robust and scalable web application development. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started, acing a Spring Boot interview can be a significant milestone in your career. To help you prepare effectively, here are the latest Spring Boot interview questions that will test your knowledge and give you a deeper understanding of how the framework works. These questions will be beneficial if you're pursuing a Spring Boot Certification Training Course at eMexo Technologies, in Electronic City Bangalore.

What is Spring Boot, and how is it different from Spring Framework?

This is a fundamental question that often appears in Spring Boot interviews. Spring Boot is an extension of the Spring Framework to simplify the development process. It eliminates the need for extensive XML configuration and provides default configurations to facilitate rapid application development. Spring Framework requires developers to configure components manually, while Spring Boot auto-configures them.

By understanding this, you can highlight how Spring Boot training in Electronic City Bangalore at eMexo Technologies helps developers focus more on writing business logic rather than dealing with complex configurations.

What are the main features of Spring Boot?
Spring Boot stands out due to several features:

Auto-Configuration: Automatically configures your application based on the libraries on the classpath.
Embedded Servers: It allows the deployment of web applications on embedded servers like Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow.
Spring Boot Starters: Pre-configured templates that simplify dependency management.
Spring Boot CLI: A command-line interface that allows you to develop Spring applications quickly.
Actuator: Monitors and manages application performance.

These features make Spring Boot an attractive option for developers, which is why the best Spring Boot training institute in Electronic City Bangalore emphasizes hands-on experience with these functionalities.

What is the role of @SpringBootApplication in Spring Boot?
The @SpringBootApplication annotation is a core part of Spring Boot, often referred to as the ‘meta-annotation.’ It is a combination of three annotations:

@Configuration: Marks the class as a configuration class for Spring Beans.
@EnableAutoConfiguration: Enables Spring Boot’s auto-configuration feature.
@ComponentScan: Scans the components within the specified package.
This annotation is crucial to understanding Spring Boot’s internal architecture and its ability to simplify configuration.

What is Spring Boot Starter, and how is it useful?

A Spring Boot Starter is a set of pre-configured dependencies that simplify the inclusion of libraries in your project. For instance, spring-boot-starter-web includes everything you need for web development, like Spring MVC, embedded Tomcat, and validation support.
Starters save a lot of time, eliminating the need to manually find and include individual dependencies. When studying at eMexo Technologies, you’ll get an in-depth look at the variety of Spring Boot Starters available and their importance in building scalable applications.

What is a Spring Boot Actuator, and how is it used?

Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features to help monitor and manage your Spring Boot application. It offers a wide array of tools like health checks, metrics, and auditing endpoints. The actuator allows you to easily monitor application performance, which is a crucial aspect of microservices-based applications.

What are Microservices, and how does Spring Boot help in building them?

Microservices are small, independent services that work together in a larger application. Each service is responsible for a specific business functionality and can be developed, deployed, and maintained independently. Spring Boot simplifies the development of microservices by providing tools like Spring Cloud and Spring Boot Actuator.

How does Spring Boot handle dependency injection?

Dependency Injection (DI) is a key feature of the Spring Framework, and Spring Boot uses it to manage object creation and relationships between objects automatically. In Spring Boot, DI is usually handled through annotations like @Autowired, @Component, and @Service.

How can you configure a Spring Boot application?
Spring Boot applications can be configured in multiple ways: or application.yml files.
Using the @Configuration classes.
Via command-line arguments.
Environment variables

What are profiles in Spring Boot, and how are they used?

Profiles in Spring Boot allow developers to create different configurations for different environments. For example, you can have one profile for development, testing, and production. You can specify which profile to use by setting it in the file or as a command-line argument.

What are the limitations of Spring Boot?
Despite its many benefits, Spring Boot has some limitations:

Lack of control over auto-configuration can sometimes lead to unexpected behaviors.
Increased memory usage due to embedded servers.
Limited flexibility in large-scale applications that require extensive custom configuration.
Addressing these limitations demonstrates that you have a well-rounded understanding of the framework and can make informed decisions about when and where to use it.

How does Spring Boot handle security?

Spring Boot simplifies security through Spring Security, which can be easily integrated into your application. By adding the spring-boot-starter-security dependency, you can configure authentication and authorization in a few lines of code. You can also customize login, registration, and session management features.

What is the role of the Spring Initializr in Spring Boot?

The Spring Initializr is an online tool used to generate Spring Boot projects. It allows developers to choose the dependencies and configuration options before downloading the skeleton code. This tool speeds up the initial setup phase, saving time and effort.

In conclusion, preparing for Spring Boot interviews is crucial, especially in a competitive job market. Whether you're taking a Spring Boot course in Electronic City Bangalore or aiming for Spring Boot Certification Training, knowing these key concepts will give you the edge you need. At eMexo Technologies, you’ll receive hands-on training, not just theory, preparing you to answer interview questions and excel in your career confidently.