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How do I prevent and control mold and mildew?

Molds and mildews breed on wet surfaces that might be caused by leaking water pipes or spilled liquids. If you notice leaks or spills, check it immediately. Clogged roof gutters can also cause leaks. Keeping our roof gutters clean and unclogged prevents water from getting inside.

An air conditioner also creates water drips. Check with your local HVAC technician if a water leak is visible. This is one of the causes of molds and mildew build-up.

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What are the Effects of Indoor Mold and Mildew?

Molds and mildews play an important role in nature. They break down dead organic matter such as dead trees and fallen leaves. It’s not really that concerning outdoors, but it is indoors, and if possible, should be extinguished immediately before it spreads. Molds and mildews tend to reproduce by means of tiny spores that are invisible to the naked eyes and float through the air. They begin growing when landed on wet or moist surfaces. Molds and mildews need water to reproduce, destroying parts of your house without you even noticing.

What is the best Season to Consider an Air Duct Clean-Up?

What could be the best season to get rid of those nasty dust, dirt, and dander on your air duct system but Autumn Season? As winter is fast approaching, we must arm ourselves with clean and quality indoor air. Sooner or later, all those doors and windows will be shut for cold breeze protection brought by the winter season. This means you will be relying on your HVAC System to provide you and your family the comforts of indoor air with the right temperature for you to stay warm.

How much energy can I save by cleaning the air duct?

Not many people know that an ill-maintained HVAC system produces higher energy consumption reflecting on your bills. All of this dust, dirt, and debris push the machine to work harder, thus, requiring more energy to function. Whether you live in Downtown Toronto or in Maple, your HVAC system must be well maintained for smooth and efficient functioning. Get a trusted cleaning service that provides both HVAC System maintenance and air duct cleaning. These experts will help you do the job of restoring the quality air you should be breathing.

Duct Cleaning during Summer & Winter

In case you decide to opt for duct cleaning during summer or winter, it’s also a good time as you can feel and enjoy a properly working system at once. This means that you will stay comfortable both during cold winter time as well as during summer heat.

Exceptional Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning:

Once you receive a professional approach in cleaning your air ducts, you get a healthier and cleaner indoor environment at the workplace, home, or industrial building. Some benefits of clean air ducts are listed below:

What Season to Choose for Air Duct Cleaning?

The question that bothers the majority of our customers in the Greater Toronto Area is when it is the best time to clean their air ducts. So, today we are going to share our thoughts and observations in detail. Along with that, you will find relevant details about air duct cleaning itself in order to make a more confident decision.

When is the Best Time to Clean Air Ducts?

Sick Building Syndrome – Indoor Air Quality and Allergens in the Workplace

No matter how often you clean and sanitize your place in Toronto , sometimes it’s impossible to avoid the circulation of illnesses indoors. Sickness can arise from time to time, but what if you feel unwell every day while at workplace? There is a possibility that the air inside the building is the cause of unpleasant symptoms for you and your colleagues. Nowadays, every fourth building can be classified as a “sick building” and the result of this can be more dangerous than you imagine.

Final Steps To Take Before Turning On Your HVAC System

7. Duct Cleaning

If the ducts are full of debris and dust, take the necessary measures right away. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Even if you do not see it, the dirt inside reduces the efficiency of the entire system. More than that, it affects the indoor air quality and poses a major health hazard.

8. Inspect vents outdoors


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