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Consumables in Two-wheeler Insurance – Explained

Submitted by sanjay on Fri, 06/30/2017 - 03:30

Small things can add up to the overall expense. Learn about the consumable cover for two wheeler insurance and protect yourself from even the smallest of expense.

When referring to two-wheeler or auto insurance, surely the term ‘consumables’ must have crossed your path. To throw some light on consumables, they are parts or factors of the automobile which when used is completely consumed. These are not reusable parts and cannot be replenished over again.

5 Simple Steps To Buy Two Wheeler Insurance In India In 2017

Submitted by sanjay on Mon, 06/26/2017 - 04:51

Two wheeler vehicles such as bikes and scooters are in great demands in India especially among the middle class people. These vehicles are not only affordable but also offer a certain ease in moving from one place to another. However, to ride two wheeler vehicles, one has to procure and carry valid two wheeler insurance policy along with a valid driving license.

The best way to protect your dream is to insure it…

Submitted by sanjay on Mon, 06/19/2017 - 03:26

Purchasing home is like a dream come true for most of the Indians. It’s the heavenly place on earth which you dream to own or construct with your hard earned money. However, imagine there is some natural calamity such as fire, storm earthquake and your house gets damaged, else there is a burglary in your house and your entire valuable gets stolen. For a moment there would be tremors running through your mind. Also, the costs that would be incurred to rebuild your home would make a huge hole in your pockets.

Some ways to reduce Motor insurance Premium

Submitted by sanjay on Thu, 06/15/2017 - 02:42

While choosing a motor insurance policy one should be aware that your policy has two components – own damage and third party damages. Your premium will be based on these two components of the insurance cover. People look to save money on the insurance premium. Those who wish to lower their premium should understand that only the own damage premium part is under your control and third party premium is prefixed by the regulator so it’s same for all plans by various insurance providers.


How to lower the costs on your car insurance cover?

Submitted by sanjay on Mon, 06/12/2017 - 05:29

Owning car insurance makes sense, especially for those who live in a place of high crime activities or the ones who own expensive sedans, SUVs or sports car edition. Also, in India, it is mandatory to have car insurance in place if you wish to drive your motor on roads. However, people take car insurance as a mandate by the government and consider it as an additional burden on their finances. They buy a random policy which might prove expensive and might not enough cover their financial needs when they required it the most.

GUIDE: Features of a Modern Health Insurance Policy

Submitted by sanjay on Fri, 06/09/2017 - 04:48

What specific services can one expect when they buy medical insurance? This question is usually important to those who are just joining a health insurance scheme. It is therefore critical to analyze the range of services available in the commercial health insurance plans available in the Kenyan market. Our experts spent some time analyzing medical insurance policies and this guide is the result of their work. The guide looks at health insurance covers based on their classification, limits, and product features.


Difference between Inpatient and Outpatient Cover


How to get travel insurance policy online?

Submitted by sanjay on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 02:47

When it comes to buying a travel insurance most of us turn a blind eye towards it. A large number of the travellers overlook the chances of a medical emergency that might come up when planning for a holiday or one business trip. So in case if some emergency arrives they end up spending a lot of hard earned money when any emergency strikes. Cheap travel insurance policies iron clad protection for the tourists against various perils which may otherwise ruin your getaway trip.

Insurance your bike with a suitable bike cover…

Submitted by sanjay on Mon, 06/05/2017 - 05:15

Two wheeler insurance is an important part of your life. You love your bike a lot, every weekend you clean it and go zooming in it all around the city for rides or different part of the country. But, you should also keep your two-wheeler safe and secure. The best way to protect your prized possession would be insuring it with a suitable bike insurance policy.

Third Party Two Wheeler Insurance

Submitted by sanjay on Thu, 06/01/2017 - 02:56

A bike allows us the ease of quicker transport through congested traffic and compared to any other vehicle, it is easier to manage. However, the probability of the occurrence of a road accident which causes injury and loss to you and/or injury/loss/death to a third-party, is very high in India. This is why the Government of India has made it mandatory that all two wheeler owners must purchase two wheeler insurance. Even though many people hesitate from buying two wheeler insurance, the alternative outcome of not being protected by one is scarier.


Submitted by sanjay on Tue, 05/16/2017 - 02:41

Insurance is not a glamorous business. As a kid you want to be train driver, a footballer, a pop star, not an insurance executive.  Then there’s the product itself. The phrase “necessary evil” is often bandied about when referring to bike insurance or any of the other protections which are compulsory in law.

So here I am, working in an industry labelled as dull selling a product most people seemingly only grudgingly buy! I do have my uses though, such as sharing with you a few tips to help you find the most appropriate and cost-effective motorcycle insurance.


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