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johnhenry's blog

Vital Tips to Consider Before Buying GPS Tracking system

Submitted by johnhenry on Fri, 06/02/2017 - 14:25

Envision yourself awakening and you wind up inside your auto amidst a no man's land. Perhaps you've driven yourself heedlessly the prior night and you didn't understand you were off the course pushing more remote far from city limits. You took out your PDA yet despite everything you couldn't get a tolerable flag to call for offer assistance. In spite of the fact that you do have a guide with you, it appeared to be useless on the grounds that you don't have the foggiest idea about your correct area.

Keeping Track on Essential Assets and Their Management

Submitted by johnhenry on Fri, 03/10/2017 - 16:25

There are many young and dynamic organizations with lots of technocrats whoare generally equipped with years of experience in various field such as GPS, GPRS, RFID and many more. They have the much needed experience in the applications of these facets along with designs and the integration of the system. With integrated applications and solutions provided by these companies is filled with real time information which keep records of tracking of resources and assists the business.

Fleet Management Solutions for Transport Business

Submitted by johnhenry on Mon, 01/30/2017 - 06:05

If you are looking forward to make your transport business perfect in every sense then there is a need for managing the fleet perfectly. This means that you should get real time solutions as in you must find out what is the status of each of your vehicles. This is because if you are looking forward for the perfect Fleet Management Solution then you need to invest in the right solutions.

How real time solutions add productivity to your business?

Is Your School Safe For Children?

Submitted by johnhenry on Wed, 09/21/2016 - 01:05

Is Your School equipped with the right technological solutions to monitor the children? Human trafficking is on the rise and sadly India contributes a major chunk to this horrible crime.

As most of the students are picked pre or post school time, it's very important to monitor these touchpoints and add technology for LIVE monitoring to avoid any fatal kidnapping accidents.

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