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4 Important Tips to Consider For Ecommerce Website Development

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Submitted by Equinox on Tue, 09/22/2020 - 22:34

What is Ecommerce:

Electronic Commerce shortly written as E-Commerce is the process of buying or selling something online. This process also includes digital transactions and different payment gateways through with money for the goods are exchanged. Ecommerce is categorized in to four types. They are

1. B2B (Business to Business Service)
2. B2C (Business to Consumer Service)
3. C2C (Consumer to Consumer Service)
4. C2B (Consumer to Business Service)

Equinox IT Solutions LLC:

PHP Frameworks widely in use in 2019

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Submitted by Equinox on Mon, 08/10/2020 - 07:53

Also known as Model View Controller (MVC) , PHP frameworks is most prominently in use for the development of web applications written in PHP. Having gained huge recognition as the world's most popular scripting language, offering many advantages - ease-of-use, flexibility, reduce the time in repetitive coding for developers. Frameworks also help in building more stable apps while ensuring proper database interaction and coding on the presentation layer. This enables quality time creating the actual web application instead of spending time in writing repetitive code.

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