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A Woman's Choices For Hair Restoration - Surgery Or Laser Hair Brush

Now the baldness can be prevented and Zen Hair Review reversed. As it is caused by the excess amount of the DHT it can be solved by decreasing the level of the DHT. The natural treatments and some sympathetic chemical drugs can be used in this treatment. The drugs like propacia or Rogaine have not universally accepted on their effect and have many side effects including gynacomastia growth of breasts in males erectile dysfunction and chest pain etc. So the natural hair loss treatment can be the obvious alternative to the drugs. This can stop the hair loss and also regrow lost hair. This is because they dont have side effects. The most hair losses are not genetic. The reason of losing the hair is because your hair follicles are trapped and also blocked off from the vital blood supplies that are required for their development.

When you are starting to get a bald spot you feel like nothing can stop your hair losses. You will definitely look for the ways to regrow lost hair. There are some ways but they use the harsh treatments that promise you to regrow lost hair but many people cautious to put such items or products on their head. Actually some of these may cause more hair loss than regrow lost hair. There are some steps that can help you in your hair loss prevention and the regrow lost hair like stimulate your scalp adding olive oil taking biotin and iodine etc.

Sudden intense stressful situations have been known to cause temporary hair loss. Under normal conditions about 10% of hair strands enter the resting or what is medically termed as the telogen phase which in 34 months fall off. In the meantime new hair is growing to replace them. The problem happens when you suffer near traumatic or shocking stressful conditions which disturb the hairs growth rhythms that cause more hair to go into telogen and falls of more significantly than they are replaced. This hair loss caused by stress is medically termed Telogen Effluvium to describe this type of hair loss.

These stresses that shock your hair growth patterns can result in 30% to 40% hair to go into telogen and fall out 34 months later. Some of these stressful situations include childbirth surgery intense fever as well as selfinflicted weight loss or crash dieting regimens. It often happens after the first bout of these stresses like a womans first childbirth or the first major surgery. Second childbirth usually doesnt stress as much.Telogen Effluvium happens after the stressful situations have subsided. So dont panic when hair falls out with no apparent reason other than the fact that Telogen Effluvium will cause hair to fall even months after your stressful situation has died down. Thats because the telogen phase caused by the stress lasts for at least 3 months before the hair falls out.