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When should I trademark my name?

Submitted by LegalWizin on Fri, 01/08/2021 - 23:45

In recent scenario, branding is the most important assets for any person for the business. It is because now a day mainly the product is sold through brand only. So it is very important to create the brand value. While adopting any name as the brand, one must check that whether it is available in the market or not. It may happen that someone has already registered same brand with the Trademark Ministry. There is a possibility of similar brand names in similar area of business. Hence before using the brand name for the products and services prior check is important.

Once the brand name is final, it is very important to register it. The registered brand name adds value to the product or service. With the help of registered trademark it is very easy to prove the authenticity of the product or service. The people can identify who is the real owner and can trust the products and services. So it helps to increase the sales indirectly creating brand and value.

There are many cases where the brand reaches at its peak, but the owner needs to change its brand name at later stage. It is due to existence of similar brand name with prior user date. So the brand must be register as soon as the name is finalised.