Using the freewriting approach “looping,” which helps you to concentrate your thoughts continuously while attempting to locate a writing subject, you may discover a writing topic. Identify a major notion or idea in your writing after you’ve free written for the first time, and then start again using that thinking or idea as your beginning point for your next free-write session. Then you’ll cycle through a series of 5-10 minute freewriting, each one being more particular than the previous one until you have a sequence of freewriting. The same guidelines that apply to freewriting also apply to looping: write rapidly, don’t edit, and don’t stop until you’ve completed your loop.
If required, repeat the freewriting process many times while adding another intriguing subject, idea, phrase, or sentence to the looping process each time. You will begin to have precise information that reveals what you are thinking about a particular issue once you have completed four or five rounds of looping. When you are through, you may even have the beginnings of a preliminary thesis or a better notion of how to approach your work when you return to class.
Still, if you are confused, then the last option is ghostwriting; they help you with all types of writing.