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what to eat if you wanna lose weight for men

Submitted by alenalbert on Sun, 08/06/2017 - 00:09

1) Consumption of foods containing complex carbohydrates
As we know, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Simple carbohydrates (for example sourced from rice, pasta, noodles, etc.) tend to be hard to absorb the body and more easily accumulated into fat in our bodies. Therefore, you are encouraged to consume complex carbohydrates such as brown rice (replace your white rice into brown rice), cereal, oat meal, wheat, beans, and so on.

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2) Consumption of foods containing lots of protein
Protein is a substance that can support your diet efforts. Proteins can burn fat on your body. You can eat protein-rich foods such as egg whites, oat meal, gandunm, cereals, fish, soy, and others.
3) Consumption of Foods containing Lots of Fibers
Eating foods that contain lots of fiber is very beneficial for your body because the fiber has the ability to bind fat so that the fat will be bound when the dirt is thrown away. Foods that have high fiber can be obtained from fruits and vegetables. Fruit that has many fibers for example: orange, pear, apple banana, papaya, guava. For vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, sweet potato, radish, and others.
4) Food Consumption containing Low Calorie
If you really intend to lose weight then eat foods that are low in calories but have many nutrients. Examples are bread, wheat, fruit, vegetables, fresh fish, lean meats, and others.
Eating foods containing pepper and pepper is also able to trigger the fat burning process in our intestines during sleep.