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What is the difference between Natural Cycle IVF and Stimulated IVF?

Your infertility will determine which options you have for growing your family. The physician of the Best IVF Center in Bihar can help you choose the best option depending on your diagnosis and decide your best path for success. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most reliable method for many couples to have a successful pregnancy. There are two methods you can use- Natural Cycle IVF and Stimulated IVF. Choosing the right infertility treatment depends on understanding the distinctions between the two infertility techniques and how they operate. 
What is Natural Cycle IVF?
In natural cycle IVF, an egg retrieves from a naturally matured egg rather than utilizing medicines to stimulate your ovaries into producing several eggs. One injection of Lupron or hCG uses to prepare the egg for retrieval. Then, progesterone supplements are given to the woman after the egg retrieval procedure to aid in the growth of the uterine lining. These IVF cycles are not entirely drug-free, but they provide an alternative for certain patients who want to utilize fewer fertility medicines in their treatment.
What is Stimulated IVF?
In Stimulated IVF, your ovaries stimulate to create numerous eggs using fertility medications. As a general rule, the more eggs generated, the better the chances of a viable embryo. The doctor uses a mild sedative to extract the eggs. Then the eggs are taken to a lab for fertilization.
Difference between Natural Cycle IVF and Stimulated IVF
It is true that natural cycle IVF is less expensive in the beginning, but if it fails, you may require more cycles, which would result in a high total cost in the long run. Natural cycle IVF increases your odds of success with each cycle, but it also increases your chances of experiencing a series of failed cycles. Finally, you should choose a method that gives you the highest probability of having a healthy child.