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What are the most common types of abnormal hair loss?

Submitted by fainamarco on Fri, 04/16/2021 - 23:25

We will not deny that hair loss is a real disgrace that affects many women. But, there is a lot of misinformation on the subject that all it does is compound the problem. It is for this reason that I have set out to unmask these five myths about hair loss.
Hair plays a very important role in people's lives, especially women. Who didn't secretly shed a few tears, after watching our hair fall out? Whether short or long, hair is crucial for our well-being and also for improving our own image.
Myths about weight loss
Hair loss and baldness are often part of the sad fate of some people. But this event is socially accepted after a certain age and especially if it is a man who experiences it. The situation is quite different if it is a woman who suffers from the problem. So hair loss becomes a real disaster that can pulverize women's self-esteem. But do not panic, not everything that is said about the causes of hair loss is true.
1. Frequent washing promotes hair loss
Some women worry about straining their hair too much during the wash and thus delaying the next wash. Because detached hair is evident during washing, people often associate the problem with washing. But, as of this writing, such an association has not been scientifically proven. In fact, washing your hair too infrequently can be counterproductive when you want to have healthy hair.
The shampoo also removes oil from the scalp, which contains hormones, which could promote hair loss. There are many products to ensure proper cleaning of hair without damaging it. When you choose a shampoo, make sure it is a product with the least amount of synthetic compounds, better if it is organic.
2. Stress is one of the main causes of hair loss
Are you constantly worried that gray hair appears prematurely and you start to notice signs of baldness? Unfortunately, these factors probably have nothing to do with age, at least in your case. Hair color change is a strictly genetic problem.
Although stress can actually cause hair loss, it is most likely not the case. For such a drastic reaction, we would be talking about traumatic stress, such as a serious illness or surgery.
3. It is a problem that affects, above all, older women
If they managed to convince you with this statement, I have bad news for you. Hair loss isn't just reserved for older women. Some women were already showing the problem before their 30s or even as teenagers. The main problem in these cases is genetic predisposition. If hair loss is a particular family trait, unfortunately there is not much to do.
In contrast to men, women generally do not develop baldness or hair loss. They are more likely to be affected by diffuse hair loss. Hair thins, especially in the middle of the head.
4. Hair loss cannot be stopped
The time has come to give good news. Sometimes increased hair loss is just a temporary phenomenon. In some women, hair grows excessively during pregnancy but suddenly disappears after the child is born. This should happen as soon as the hormonal balance has stabilized again.
Too low a level of iron and zinc could also be the cause of hair loss. After a consultation with a doctor, these could be easily compensated by modifying your diet or consuming food supplements, therefore, hair loss can usually be treated and stopped.
5. Hats and caps promote hair loss
Although it may seem obvious, it does not have to be true. The constant friction from wearing caps or hats does not facilitate hair shedding. Some "specialists" also claim that higher temperatures on the scalp could damage the roots of the hair. Another wrong reasoning is that lack of light and air inhibits growth.
All these claims are false: hair is not a plant, and only if the hair is mistreated from its roots can it suffer consequences such as hair loss, but this will not necessarily happen if caps or hats are worn.
Oxygen levels increase during exercise due to a physiological response controlled by the brain. The medulla controls respiration rate during many activities, including sleeping, exercise and eating. During exercise, the cells burn oxygen more quickly than they do while at rest.

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