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What are the common myths about dental treatment?

It's crucial to know the facts about dental health because inadequate dental hygiene can lead to tooth loss, cavities, and other difficulties. Dental health can also affect your overall health. Even though dental health is often misunderstood, you must know the truth behind popular dental myths so that you can take better care of your teeth in the future.

  • Dental cleaning causes sensitivity: Dental cleaning or scaling is a non-invasive technique that is required when plaque and calculus have accumulated on teeth. Scaling removes calculus-covered portions of the teeth and reveals the tooth roots. These conditions can temporarily increase sensitivity. However, they usually subside within a couple of days. Consult the dentists at the Best Dental Clinic in Kolkata, who can prescribe you some medicines to relieve temporary sensitivity.
  • You only need to visit the dentist if your teeth are hurting: Diagnosing and treating a tooth problem at an early stage is easier and less expensive. Research shows that you should visit your dentist twice a year for regular exams and cleanings, even if you don't have any toothache. However, asymptomatic dental problems can lead to infections and require treatment if left untreated. If you wait too long, you may have to pay more for treatment.
  • The only time to wear braces is when you're young: Braces are commonly misunderstood as a necessary part of growing up for children and teens. This isn't the case. Adults are beginning to realize the benefits of braces. Straight teeth can be achieved at any age, even if you didn't get braces as a child or if your teeth have changed over time. 
  • Flossing generates space between your teeth: Flossing does not create spaces between your teeth. Cleaning your teeth and gums with floss removes harmful microorganisms as well as food debris. At first, flossing may cause bleeding gums, but after a few weeks, the bleeding will stop. 

Nowadays, most dental procedures are painless because of technological advances. While it's unknown when and where these misconceptions began, but one thing is for sure they've been smashed and debunked. Don't put off your dental appointment because of anything you've read or heard. A better option would be to consult with Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic.