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What are the 7 best exercises to lose weight?

Submitted by fainamarco on Sun, 03/21/2021 - 20:34

We are confined to home and we have no choice but to exercise within four walls. We bring you some recommendations from a physiotherapist and the World Health Organization
The coronavirus crisis in Spain has forced the Government to adopt drastic measures, such as decreeing the state of alarm.
This new situation is forcing all of us to stay at home as long as possible and not to go out on the streets except for urgent tasks, such as going shopping, to the pharmacy or taking the dog out. Running sessions and gym classes are therefore prohibited, which are also closed from Friday until further notice.
Between the fact that we do not move just because of the confinement and between the boredom and anxiety that make many eat more (and worse), this quarantine we are going to end up with extra kilos if we do not start to remedy it now.
Exercises to do at home recommended by the WHO
In this Vozpópuli article we already told you the tricks that you should follow so as not to get like a ball in the quarantine, and today we bring you three easy exercises that you can perform perfectly in your living room.
Take advantage of these days, reader, to get in shape or, at least, try not to gain extra kilos, which later with the daily routine are more difficult to lose.
The Doctor in Physiotherapy, Pablo Olabe, collaborator in the Forum for Research on Beer and Lifestyles (FICYE), gives us some tips and exercises so that we can do them at home, which are also recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), to whom the following photos belong:
1) Knee to elbow
Standing, touch your knee to your opposite elbow, alternating sides and in a rhythm of your choice. If you cannot maintain this position, you can also try sitting in a chair or even lying on your back in bed.
Do the exercise for one to two minutes, add 30-60 seconds of rest, and repeat for a total of 5 times. You will feel an increase in your heart rate.
2) Iron
With your forearms firmly on the ground and aligned with your shoulders, lift and hold your pelvis in the air, supporting your toes. In case of being a very demanding position, also support your knees. Hold your pelvis in the air for 20 to 30 seconds, rest for 30 to 60 seconds, and repeat up to five times. You will notice the muscular action of your shoulders, trunk and legs.
3) Squats
Standing, separate your feet at the height of your hips, facing slightly outward. Bend your knees and lower your pelvis, without lifting your feet off the ground. Get back upright. In case of being excessive effort, use a chair and simply sit down and get up from it. Do 10 to 15 movements, rest for 30-60 seconds, and repeat up to five times. You will notice the muscular action of your legs and glutes.
4) Knee raise
Standing, touch your knee with your elbow on the same side, alternating sides and following a rhythm of your choice, for two minutes. Rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat up to five times. If you are very demanding, choose to do it sitting or lying on your back.
5) Superman
Start from a position on all fours and simultaneously raise one arm forward and the opposite leg back. Do 20-30 reps, rest 30-60 seconds, and repeat up to five times. If you cannot maintain this double cross action, do it only with one of the limbs or standing. You will notice the muscular action in your limbs and trunk.
6) Bridge
Lying on your back, with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the floor, raise your pelvis and slowly lower yourself. Do 10-15 movements, rest 30-60 seconds, and repeat up to five times. You will notice the action in your glutes. In case you cannot lie on the floor, the bed is another option.
7) Chair push-ups
Rest your hands on a chair –adjusted to the wall to prevent displacement– and place your feet firmly on the floor half a meter away from the chair. Extend and flex your arms, raising and lowering your pelvis at the same time, and without moving hands or feet. Do 10-15 movements, rest 30-60 seconds, and repeat up to five times. You will notice the muscular action in your triceps. If you are very demanding, lean on a higher table or on the wall, with your back to it.
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